Acupuncture Miami
Miami Herbs Services
Miami Acupuncture and Classic Herbs is headed and owned by Carolyn Cook since 1994, a doctor of Chinese medicine, acupuncture physician and a licensed massage therapist. She has been in private practice for more than 20 years in Miami and your go-to massage therapist.
Acupuncture’s roots back thousands of years, originated in ancient China. Scholars of Classical Chinese Acupuncture studied nature’s patterns and rhythms and investigated how this wisdom applied to health and disease in the human body.
Acupuncture’s purpose is to restore the body’s natural energy flow. In the same fashion, traditional Classical Chinese herbal medicine supports and compliments the art and science of Classical acupuncture.
Chinese Herbs
Traditional Chinese Medicine or commonly known as Chinese herbal medicine is another form of traditional treatment found to assist many health issues from digestive, menstrual, migraine, sleeping disorders, anxiety as well as pain relief. Chinese Herbs have proven to be more effective when combined with professional acupuncture. The administration of acupuncture helps people by opening up pathways of communication within their bodies. This treatment works from within the body by promoting positive changes and assisting the healing process.
Nutrition is a very important part of our health. Diet can contribute to or be the cause of our health issues. I feel it is important to eat the appropriate food in moderation as diet can be a key component in how our body responds to treatment and heals. Current research concludes it is important to get adequate sources of plant or animal proteins, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, healthy fats and drink plenty of water. It is also good to limit sugars, white flours, alcohol, processed food and saturated fats. In my personal experience, these dietary fundamentals have proven to be helpful and true.
Infertility / IVF / IUI
One of the services that Dr Carolyn Cook have been treating is Infertility/IVF/IUI problem that most women faces in today’s society. With patience and a little time, pregnancy has a very successful chance of occurring naturally without the use of chemicals.
Even though many turn to the assistance of IVF/IUI, we do not know what long term effects these procedures could have on the mother or unborn child. Women who do use this approach report suffering many physical and emotional symptoms while using the hormone supplements associated with IVF/IUI.
Classical Herbs and Acupuncture, Inc 9655 S Dixie Highway #204 Miami, Florida 33156
Contact Us
Miami Acupuncture & Classical Herbs is ready to provide you the best acupuncture Miami has to offer! Contact us to know more and we will begin our consultation shortly.